My first boss told me, “Showing up is 90% of the job. Everything else will happen. You are doing all of the right things”. That great advice is something I imparted on my employees, and something I remind myself daily.
Show up.
Be present.
Engage fully.
At 21 years old, I managed to press the “easy button” and finagled a job that positioned me for a job I would attain 5 years later that I thought would take me through to retirement. The excitement I felt and passion I had for my craft, undeniably placed me at the top of my industry, and left me working with the most talented group of people in medical device sales and manufacturing. I worked 10 hours a day minimally, traveled the world, had dinner with inventors and helped save peoples’ lives. What could be better? How could I ever get sick of it?
Life on the road came with challenges surrounding my body image and personal relationships. Having struggled with my weight most of my life, I started to question everything around diet and nutrition. What was I putting in my body? Just because I’m not paying for that glass of wine, should I drink it anyway? What footprint was I leaving behind? Did my spending habits support good farmers and causes? Was I active enough to keep myself out of the operating room when I got older?
Perhaps most importantly: Was my job aligned with helping people in the way I wanted to help people? Could my time be better spent doing something else?
Nobody wants to hear simple solutions to serious health problems and bad habits. Nobody wants to skip happy hour with friends to head to the gym. Nobody wants to order a salad instead of the tuna tartare. Nobody wants to spend more money on organic produce when conventional is so much cheaper. Nobody wants to workout when you can just take a pill to cure the ailment.
Or do they?
At 31 years old, I am starting over. I’m going against the thought process that a high-paying, stable job is what one needs to fund happiness inside and outside of work. I’ve decided that what is important in my life, is following where my passion takes me. Now, this can be difficult, because I am passionate about many things, but I am talking about the passion that inspires me to reach my highest potential and achieve my greatest good.
One thing I have learned: passions can change. And that is ok. It’s also ok for people not to agree with you or support you in your passions changing. But one other thing I have learned: you can’t fake it. Well, I couldn’t. It takes a hell of a better salesman than me to fake being excited and passionate about something I don’t believe in.
What I’m trying to say is: I evolved and I can’t wait to see what the next 31 years bring me. I can’t wait to learn entirely new crafts and follow new passions that put me back on the podium educating and inspiring others.
Back to that question: Yes, there are people who value themselves, their health and wellbeing, above all other decisions and live fulfilled, happy and healthy lives. They put their money into the hands of caring people who grow crops without pesticides and with love. They look to yoga, massage and essential oils for that ache in their back. They look up alternative approaches to treating skin lesions or dying their hair. They read all of the labels on everything they choose to buy and still have time to watch Netflix.
My passion and my niche is helping unconventional views of diet, nutrition and lifestyle management reach the mainstream. When every household prioritizes what food they put in their mouths prior to which pills, I will have succeeded. When people spend their paychecks on whole foods instead of food stuffs, I will have succeeded. I believe that it’s my job to help break down good, relevant data in a way that people want to receive it. That is my motivation and driving force behind my current path.
There are millions of people who have walked before me with the same mission and succeeded to a point where I have learned, but there is such a long way to go. Especially in Western medicine. I am currently applying to medical school and will take you on this journey with me as I navigate the medical education system, physician payments and motivations, and participate in evidence-based research centered around incorporating biometric testing with mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) techniques and a whole foods plant-based diet into treatment plans.
Finding Healthfulness is the platform I have today to start connecting with and inspiring people to ask more questions about their health and wellness. As a certified health coach and research-reading enthusiast, I promise to challenge everyday decisions and habits in ways that are supportive and safe. Coming from a place of love and gratitude.
It took me over 7 years to reach my optimal health (which is just the beginning!), and I know how hard it is to put down the fork. I know how easy it is to take an Excedrin for a headache instead of listen to what my body is telling me. I remember what butter and crabs legs taste like. I remember drinking too much pinot noir and binge snacking on potato chips at two in the morning.
The craziest thing of all: I don’t miss any of it. I am finally making the choices and decisions which make me feel great mentally, physically, and in alignment with my heart-center. Temptations don’t come for me and the people in my life still love me and like being around me!
Who knew you could actually be true to yourself and be accepted?
This is me showing up and waiting for everything else to happen.
I won’t lie: it’s a long, hard road and relapses are ok and inevitable. Sometimes that point noir smells too good to turn down. What is most important is being in control of that decision and then enjoying it in the moment. If you are going to cheat, ENJOY IT!
Thank you for embarking on this journey with me. With your love, support and encouragement, I know I will be successful no matter where this path takes me. I am grateful for you and the connection we share.
*LoveLightHealth* XXXOOO