What I learned yesterday... First weekly post!

I’ve been dragging my feet. Developing a healthy relationship with social media is hard! How do I meaningfully connect with people who want to hear from me and not lose myself in the process? How do I put stuff out there that is real, honest, and valuable?

I decided to start a daily post where I share what I learned yesterday. In an effort to develop and improve my reflective practice as a future clinician, I thought I could share an interesting thing or two or three with everyone, pair it with a pic or experimental image or video, and voila!

Over time I hope to get better at creating beautiful posts. I hope to have studio-quality images and video, but in the meantime, it’s just me. Being silly, sad, grateful, and excited! If I don’t start now, I never will, and time is flying by! Somehow I’m already moving into my fourth year as a naturopathic medical intern in a month! I think things will really get interesting, and I can’t wait to see what the year has in store!

Here are my weekly posts from what I learned yesterday all tidied up in a bow for your reading! Check it out in real-time over on Instagram @findinghealthfulness.

💉The Pfizer vaccine doesn't hurt, and I can take a vaccine without passing out.
🗝Profound experiences affect everyone involved in different ways and sometimes with similar outcomes. Reconnecting with a childhood friend showed me how our Consciousness is intertwined more than we know... and how pivotal moments ripple through lives and families in different, yet equally profound ways.
🦠I have one of the new variants but don't know which one.

💰You can get out of Costco for less than $400
💉Vaccine side effects can look and feel like a mini-COVID experience
🥤Tonic water can actually help settle your stomach. I learned this on me, not from a scientific study.

🐕If you are a dog owner, make sure to have 3% hydrogen peroxide in the house.
Zar choked on a 🫐blueberry yesterday! You read that emoji correctly: a blueberry. It was a scary time but with the help of the AKC website and some running around town, we were able to acquire the supplies and dose to help him vomit. Up came his breakfast and the whole blueberry.

📖After taking a final exam in a class focusing on complex chronic illness, such as chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia, I realized how energized I am by learning how to serve people with these diagnoses and beyond.
🗒I learned what my final schedule will be as a fourth year naturopathic medical student and intern! I will be working in clinics four days a week in various locations around Toronto serving in a free community clinic and private settings!
🌈It’s important for me to show up for my friends in the BIPOC and LGBTQ2SIA+ communities. I’m grateful for my best friend and my partner who challenge me everyday to consider other viewpoints and allow for thoughtful discussion of complicated and upsetting topics. Yesterday we talked about racism amongst Asian-Canadian communities and prejudice in medicine against people in larger bodies. I still have so much to learn, and am actively working to be an ally for these communities.

🧠 I seem to be struggling with more-so-than-normal forgetfulness after recently having a new variant of COVID-19.
🔐Lockdowns are complicated and doing them “right” is a complicated.
💯I’m 1000x protected from COVID-19 variants after having COVID and receiving 1 mRNA 💉 dose. A single immunization boosted neutralizing titers against all variants and SARS-CoV-1 by up to 1000-fold. Neutralization was due to antibodies targeting the receptor-binding domain and was not boosted by a second shot. This shows how important it is to vaccinate both uninfected and previously infected persons to elicit cross-variant neutralizing antibodies. https://science.sciencemag.org/content/early/2021/03/24/science.abg9175

🎥 Check out my video intro on Saturday, April 5, 2021!

🎓A graduate from my naturopathic medical school @myccnm coined the term “adrenal fatigue.”
I have a lot of research to do on this one! Do any of my medical colleagues have an opinion about adrenal fatigue in their practice?

Let me know what you think of these thoughts, and if anything resonated with you personally. I look forward to interacting with you in this way, and hope it serves as something special for all of us!


Lorna C.

Lorna Ciccone

Naturopathic Doctor In-Training, National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, MBA in International Business, medtech maiden turned wellness warrior