
What I learned yesterday... Final April Edition

What I learned yesterday... Final April Edition

Continuing from last week’s post, I wanted to let you know how the rest of my Texan travels went. Initially, I found myself very conflicted and uncomfortable with being back in Texas. Being surrounded by people who didn’t share common interests or ideals was proving to be very difficult for me. I struggled to stay pleasant and made it difficult for people to want to be around me.

I was able to connect with a friend and colleague who shared some insight with me that shifted my viewpoint and the way I interacted with my environment for the rest of the trip. This allowed me to settle in and truly enjoy the rest of my time in Texas. Read more about this conversation below…

What I learned yesterday... Fourth April Edition

What I learned yesterday... Fourth April Edition

It started off with a bang when I was able to jump off the plane and head to a large stadium and receive my second vaccination! I was so grateful to be in the USA where vaccines are plentiful and readily available. I also felt immensely grateful to be American and have the chance to get my second dose in short order.

In Canada, we are following the UK guidelines for vaccination schedules and are trying to get more people vaccinated with one shot rather than having fewer, fully vaccinated people. This means that there is a four-month delay between the first and second doses of COVID19 vaccinations. I definitely understand and respect this decision made in the interest of public health, but equally felt excited to receive my dose in alignment with data published (either 21 days later for Pfizer or 28 days for Moderna). As a Pfizer recipient, I was able to get my second dose 24 days after my first jab in Canada. Not too bad!