Take a look at my first Vlog and YouTube video! Here I introduce myself “live” to you guys and get into some pretty amazing research on the power of meditation and why we should be incorporating this practice into our lives.
It’s not just for yogis and famous people; it’s for normal people with super hectic, busy lives who think they can’t find another minute in their day to “chill out.” Meditation is an active practice of training your mind to focus and this doesn’t come easily or naturally. With determination and will, each and every one of us can find a form of meditation that resonates with us and fits into our schedule.
Join me on this journey in starting my own daily practice and get inspired to start yours! Stop putting yourself behind everyone and everything else in life and make the commitment to train your mind to be still. Not only will you (scientifically) reduce stress, anxiety and pain, you will also feel happier and more in control of your thoughts and actions (just to name a FEW benefits!)!
I know we all want to leave this world in great shape for future generations, and it starts with the words that come out of our mouths and the actions that follow those words. Meditation will help you be that person you want to be by always being in control of your thoughts, words and actions!
*Healthspiration*: You have the power and the tools through meditation to train your mind to reach your happiest and healthiest self.
*Opportunity Discovery*: Try a Google search on “meditation + xyz” with respect to whatever is relevant in your life. Find the value in learning how to meditate and convince yourself you want to figure out how to incorporate it into your life!
Interested in working with a health coach to further discuss your healthfulness? Contact Lorna at Finding Healthfulness to set up a consultation and learn more about the coaching process!
Wishing you happiness and healthfulness on your journey. *lovelighthealth*