Travel Series: Decisions, Decisions, Part 2

Here is the second installation of the Decisions you have to make while traveling. See my first post to get your wheels turning on the subject

Let's face it: It’s too easy to get lost in devoting all of your person and self to your craft. This is perhaps the biggest self-awareness piece I could highlight here. How much of your identity is locked up in your job? Though I think this calls for another post in itself, consider that thought as much as you are able to right now. How can you regain your sense of self while maintaining your impeccable reputation?

Set boundaries. Make sure those boundaries are ones that help you achieve your happiest and healthiest self. When you do this, everyone around you takes note and respects these decisions and may even encourage you doing so! 

Here are some fill in the blank funs! Write in a number/answer that would be an improvement for your lifestyle and something you would be proud of achieving (PS. no judgements here!):

  • You attend happy hour and have ____ drink(s).  You stay for another ____ minutes after having said drink(s) and decide to grab a healthy sandwich next door instead of indulge in the queso at the happy hour event.
  • You have an hour and half before your flight.  You choose to stop at ____ healthy eatery on your way to the airport instead of getting there early and having an extra drink on the company.
  • You know you will be caught rushing in the morning before your ____ am meeting. Working out will definitely not happen, but you CAN buy this healthy____ sitting in front of you while you are on your late-night Starbucks run.

Planning ahead becomes a treasure hunt. When you see it as a FUN challenge for you to overcome, nothing can stop you from owning that challenge, in fact, dominating that challenge.  After all, we are talking about your blood pressure and waistline! You have no problem prioritizing other’s needs, what about dabbling in yours from time to time?

With that, let’s talk about how to always feel in control of the decisions you make while traveling. Have you thought about which foods make you happy? And which diet you want to adhere to?  Is it eat less red meat? Eat less fast food? Eat more vegetables? Find whole food plant-based options?

Take three minutes to open your iPhone or Android and write a note by filling in the blanks:

  • I will prioritize my health and diet by choosing ____ foods to put in my body.  This means I will choose to do the following things to see this through: 




Here is what mine looks like (today) when I do this exercise:

  • I will prioritize my health and diet by choosing more raw foods and less processed foods to put in my body. This means I will choose to do the the following things to see this through:

1.  Pick up the apple or fruit at the register instead of the bar option.

2.  Make or choose a salad as a side or main with/for dinner instead of cooked veggies.

3.  Make or buy more dehydrated fruits to keep in my bag for snacking instead of baked or processed goods.

Now let me tell you, what mine looked like 3 years ago:

  • I will prioritize my health and diet by choosing more meals where I do not eat dessert. This means I will choose to the the following things to see this through:

1.  Only choose a breakfast item that satisfies my need for a dessert after breakfast-think pancakes!

2.  Choose a side with my lunch that satisfies my need for dessert at lunch: think a fruit cup!

3.  Get up and go to the bathroom when the dessert menu comes and DO NOT ORDER dessert.  If someone else does, you can have up to three bites total.

4.  Only drink alcohol when in the presence of others.

There are many people who can attest that all of these statements are real and true about my life. I am grateful I had so many people tolerate my daily internal struggles which would sometimes end up being external struggles that I had to bring everyone into.  Don’t forget that we are all human and have very similar, if not the same, thoughts! You might have your very next accountability partner sitting next to you at dinner.

As you can see, the decisions you have to make are absolutely endless when it comes to applying new daily disciplines and treasure hunts! Before you know it, you are doing it without thinking, enjoying the hunting and setting bigger and better goals.

Once you are following the statement above in your sleep. Make a new one above the first one you made in your iPhone/Android notes. Date them and track your progress.  I’m doing this very same thing so I can write about my improvements in the years to come! Join me and share your statements in the comments below.  If you need one person to believe in you and send you good vibes as you start this journey, count me in!



Set boundaries that are in alignment with your happiest and healthiest self.

*Opportunity Discovery*: Go on treasure hunts for meals you haven’t had yet! Think of it as one of those geo-discovery games or anything that sounds remotely upbeat. Is there something you can buy now that you can save for a meal later that you know will be healthier than your options at that time? Can you prevent the 2am room service call by grabbing a banana or gluten free bar at the airport? Can you keep savory (vegan or not) jerky bites in your bag to tide you over until the next meal? YES YOU CAN!


Since I’m new at this, let me know what you thought of this two-part installation?  Is there another topic you would like to see me cover?  Let me know your challenges so I can show you how you are not alone! I guarantee I have suffered the same thoughts and challenges…





Lorna Ciccone

Naturopathic Doctor In-Training, National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, MBA in International Business, medtech maiden turned wellness warrior